Essential chronology

The body of St. Mark was transported from Alexandria, Egypt to Venice (Doge Giustiniano Partecipazio)


Consecration of the first church of St. Mark (Doge Giovanni Partecipazio)


The church burned owing to the revolt against Doge Candiano IV and was rebuilt under Doge Orseolo I the Saint


Start of the rebuilding of the current church (Doge Domenico Contarini)


Start of the mosaic decoration (Doge Domenico Selvo)


Consecration of the church (Doge Vitale Falier)


Fourth Crusade and transport of marbles and works of art into the basilica that had been brought to Venice following the conquest of Constantinople (four horses, icon of the Madonna Nicopeia, enamels of the Golden Altar-piece, relics, crosses, chalices, patens, today in the treasure: Doge Enrico Dandolo)


Mosaic of St. Alipius with documentation of the exterior of the basilica


Construction of the Baptistery and Chapel of St. Isidore (Doge Andrea Dandolo)


Construction of the iconostasis and sculptures decorating it by Jacobello and Pier Paolo dale Masegne
Late 14th and early 15th centuries
Gothic decoration of the fa�ade with spires, nichel, and sculptures of angels and saints


Fire on the front part of the basilica’s roof


First half of the 15th century
Tuscan artists (Maestro Nicol� and Pietro Lamberti and perhaps Jacopo della Quercia) worked on the sculptures of the fa�ade and Florentine artists worked on the basilica’s mosaics (Paolo Uccello is documented in 1425).


Mid-15th century
Mosaic ornament of the Mascoli Chapel


Construction of the Sacristy next to the apse (followed by the rebuilding of the small church of St. Theodore carried out by Giorgio Spavento, the basilica’s foreman)


Documentary evidence of the basilica in the painting by Gentile Bellini, Procession in St. Mark’s Square


Construction of the Zen Chapel in the right wing of the atrium, which closed up the solemn entrance doorway coming from the lagoon


Work done by Sansovino to strengthen the walls and domes of the church


Accommodation of the Nicopeia altar and the altar of the Holy Sacrament (to the left and right of the high altar)


Fall of the Republic


The basilica became the see of the Patriarch of Venice, until then at San Pietro a Castello.