Religious festivals

Religious celebrations in the Piazza were, above all, connected to the veneration of St. Mark: the transfer of his body from Alexandria, its discovery and the Saint’s Day on 25th April were all celebrated.
This became, and still is, the most important city festival, in which the whole city took part: the Doge, the seigniory and dignitaries, in correct hierarchical order paraded out of the Ducal Palace.
Representatives of the arts and trades participated with their insignias, and the Scuole Grandi with its standards.
The entire square was festively decked with flags and carpets, with tapestries adorning the Procuratie to stress the significance of a religious festival that was also the city’s own festival. The festival of Corpus Domini, also held with great pomp and splendour, with the Procession of the Cross, involved all clergy and religious orders as depicted in the painting by Gentile Bellini, which is the most impressive.
Holy Week celebrations also required the Doge’s presence, who left the Palace with a golden palm leaf on Palm Sunday and who officially participated in the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday rituals.